LP&L Wireline Pole Attachment Process
Please follow these instructions before submitting an application. Incomplete applications will be rejected. Use the “Outage Map” feature to determine if a location is within the LP&L service area: https://electricoutage.ci.lubbock.tx.us/gridvu/
The following process is to be followed by each Licensee seeking to overlash or make new Attachments on LP&L-owned Poles. Note that no entity may make any attachments to LP&L’s Poles without having first entered into a binding wireline Pole Attachment Licensing Agreement with LP&L. Third parties seeking to overlash to an existing pole tenant facility must have a written overlash agreement with the pole tenant to be overlashed. An applicant must provide LP&L the overlash agreement when they apply.
Wireline Pole Attachment Application Process Step-by-Step Summary:
Contact Us
Program Management Consultant: Mia Parton, P.E., PMP
Email: lpl-wirelineapp@aeparmia.com