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Lubbock Power and Light is transitioning to retail electric competition, giving you the power to choose the electric provider that best meets your home and business energy needs.

This is a big project that takes time, but we anticipate being able to offer competition soon.

Here’s what you should know in the meantime.

What is retail electric competition?

Just like comparing and shopping for cell phone or internet plans, retail electric competition means you can shop for different retail electric providers and compare plans, pricing and contract terms. These electric providers will buy and sell power.

What will happen to LP&L?

LP&L will continue to own and maintain the poles, wires and lines and advanced meters that deliver electricity directly to your doorstep. LP&L will also be on call during outages and help your electric provider with connecting or disconnecting electric service.

What happens next?

LP&L is already preparing for the transition to competition. In order to make that switch, we first need to move all remaining customers to ERCOT, coming soon.

What do I need to do?

For now – nothing! Once we get closer to competition, we’ll share information on when and how you can start shopping for your new electric plan.

In the meantime, you can find the latest information about the move to competition at lpandl.com